Volume III • Issue III. Buy online, http://gundog-journal.com/

Volume III • Issue III

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As we head into the shooting season, Michelle Oseman delves into her deep well of picking-up experience to provide an invaluable guide to getting it right on the day. Whether you are an old hand in the picking-up line or rather new to it all, you are sure to learn something from Michelle’s pearls of wisdom. Suffice to say, things do not always go to plan, so be prepared is the theme of the advice. Meanwhile we also explore the relative merits of buying a puppy, part-trained or fully-trained dog. It’s a thought-provoking read and might open your eyes to some new options.

There are few more well-respected names in the pointer and setter world than Terry Harris, and in this issue he tells us about his life with his beloved pointers. It’s a tremendous insight into his dedication and a fascinating account of his 40 plus years in the hot seat. Staying in the heather, in late July Bollihope grouse moor played host to one of the finest Pointer & Setter Champion Stakes in living memory, and David Hudson’s report certainly conveys the glory of the spectacle.

Don’t miss this issue

  • Top tips for picking-up this season
  • What makes a dog exceptional?
  • The Pointer & Setter Champion Stake
  • The Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever in profile
  • Puppy, part-trained or fully-trained?
  • Expert advice from the Gundog Journal panel
  • Veterinary advice on kennel cough
  • Gundogs at The Game Fair
  • Neutering; another option
  • Top kit for gundogs and their owners
  • How dogs regulate their temperature
  • What is ethical gundog training?

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