Volume VII • Issue I. Buy online, http://gundog-journal.com/

Volume VII • Issue I

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As touring keyboardist and musical director for The Rolling Stones, Chuck Leavell has been creating musical genius on the world stage for four decades. Back in Georgia, however, in the stillness of his home and hunting ground, Charlane Woodlands & Preserve, perhaps his greatest legacy will be the swathes of trees he has planted and the wild bird habitat within.

This issue of Fieldsports Journal celebrates the sport of the American South, as we enjoy tales of days in the field in pursuit of coveys of quail, and discover the impressive work that is being done to preserve the habitats of these iconic birds. We also travel to New Orleans for a game feast fit for a king (of rock and roll).

Closer to home, we are given a rare chance to visit a partridge day on George Ponsonby’s shoot in Gloucestershire, which won Gold at this year’s Purdey Awards for Game & Conservation; take a trip to the Avon tributary of the Spey, known locally as “the fisherman’s river”; and report on the conservation work being undertaken on the Raby estate in County Durham.

With all this and much more besides, we hope you enjoy this festive issue of Fieldsports Journal.


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